Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What to do when you don't know what to do..

Ok, now I know I'm not the only one who has ever pondered this, or fallen into this hole, either out there or in your mind, of what the hell do i do?? Usually it's a lifelong question. Like I don't know what to do with my life...insinuating that, yet again, someone has made us believe that we must follow a career path, or choose one thing and go for it with all of our might and gusto. And thus is the way, the only way, to success. Well, I was so frustrated with not knowing what to do the other day, that I googled it. Just typed that phrase in the search box, because I was curious to see what it would say. I found some good stuff and some lame stuff. Among the lame items were typical proactive, self-help lists of managing priorities and time and participating in enjoyable activities. All good, sound advice, but at the same time boring to me.  Yadda, yadda, no help, because what if you are interested in absolutely everything under the sun, and want to travel everywhere, and meet everyone you possibly can, and don't like to work or do anything boring? Because that's me in a nutshell. Welcome to my dilemma.